
Can he take my baby from me?

by Guest65200  |  earlier

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am 3.5 months pregnant. I was really good friends with this guy and we became close and soon i found out i was expecting. He has been acting like a child. He will sleep with anyone, he even went as low as sleeping with my 1st cousin, who is aware i am having his baby. He drinks alot too. I told him that for the sake of my baby i wanted nothing to do with him and that i think it would be better if i raised my baby because of his lifestyle. He doesn't call or anything. He doesn't work, he doesn't have his license, he still lives at home with his parents. He told me that if i didn't give him the baby then he would take me to court and get custody of the baby. he is 19 and i am 20. I work a full time job. I own my own house, have a license and a car. I didn;t drink before i got pregnant and i never did drugs. His parents house is not fit for a pig to live in... you have to kick your way through the house because it is so full of garbage and junk. I know the floors has not been swept or mopped in 10 years atleast. Most importantly he is not capable of taking care of himself let alone a baby. I am just wondering if he has any chance in h**l of getting custody of the baby




  1. No, he can't. That's sound like he's a prick and never fit to be father!! You are fit to be mother!! So, you are keeping the baby and he can't. Most important thing is you need tell those stuff to your lawyer so he/she will bring it up to the judge then judge will knows you are the better person to bring your child up not him.

  2. h**l no. He is an idiot. Plain idiot. Its very very rare that a baby gets taken from their mother!! Don't let him worry you. Again he is an idiot. He would have to prove you unfit. And as far as I can see the only one that is unfit is him!

  3. let him take you yo court,he will lose.

  4. No one can just go and take your baby from you. He is telling you that just to scare you. I know for fact that the courts prefer to keep the children with their mother unless the mother is on drugs or provides  an unsafe environment for the child. Do not worry. He is either trying to scare you so you won't file for child support once the baby is born and receive 20 % of his income until the child reaches the age 18 (24 if the child continues college). You have the upper hand in all of this. Also, keep a journal of everything that is happening so if he does attempt (for some strange reason) to take you to court, you have all of the proper documentation to substantiate your claims. Oh, and about your cousin (that knows your pregnant with his baby), she is as much to blame as him. It takes two. Either way, keep your head up. You have a little miracle expecting you to be at your best whenever he/she is born.  

  5. I doubt he could get full custody because he would have to prove that you're an unfit parent.  I would document everything that you can, though. It would help if you could prove that HE was the unfit parent and that he would be a danger to a child (it doesn't matter what your relationship with him is, if he's a jerk to you or what.  it only matter how it would be with the baby) in case he tried for visitation.  My sister in law took the father of her two kids into court for child support and visitation came up.  She told the Judge that he was living with his parents and there were rats inside the house, dog urine and f***s all over the place, and there were something like 8 people living in a 3 bedroom house (no room for the kids to sleep).  Plus, she was afraid this his Mother would harm the kids.  He also didn't have a license and had a documented history of drugs and alcohol.  I'm not sure how it would have gone because the father conceded with having supervised visitation.  And you know, you should tell him that if does try for it, you'll be going for child support and you'll sue his a$$ for half of your hospital bills for the birthing and any other medical expenses (Do realize though, that if you go in for child support, visitation will probably be addressed.  Most judges feel that both parents should be a part of the child's life and usually visitation is granted).   Anyway, unless his parents get involved and push him to it, he'll probably be too lazy to do anything about it (crossing fingers).  Anyway, best of luck to you and congratulations!    

  6. To answer your question as simply as possible, NO!

    The most important thing for you to do is to stop ALL communication and interaction with this loser.  Don't speak with him, under any circumstances.  Avoid seeing him at all costs.  Set your mind to the fact the this a&&hole never existed and was never a part of your life.

    This jerk cannot take your baby from you.  When the child is born do not list anyone as the biological father.  Then, IF and when he decides to take you to court, it will be his responsibility to  request DNA testing, and it will be at his expense.  Keep in mind that if he actually does push the issue and requests the DNA testing to prove thet he is the biological parent, he will be setting himself up to pay child support for 18 years, minimum, in addition he may possibly be required, by the courts to pay for your doctor and hospital bills.  From your description of him and his family, this isn't going to happen, in a hundred years.

    It appears that you have your head on fairly straight, with the exception of getting pregnant by this loser.  

  7. hahaa.! wow hes dumb ok babe definitely don't stress yourself out over it because one your pregnant and need to focus on ur health and the health of the baby most importantly two. I'm 100% almost positive that he will not get custody of the baby based on all the things you told me and my parents were divorced awhile ago and alot of the times the court issues the baby's mother custody i wouldn't mention anything to him about how messy his house is and that's why the court wont give him the baby just wait to the day of the court and then mention it to the lawyer believe me your fine  

  8. No he will not be able to get full custody of the baby. I would however document everything in case there is a court case.  He would have to prove that you were an unfit mother and he would also have to prove he could better care for the baby.

  9. Girl please he is not getting your baby he don't have a job no care does drugs no way keep up what your doing don't fall out make sure you have help and support to back you up court also look at what kind of support you have behind you who's helping you out etc. ask for there house girl they can clean that just for the court to come. Just worry about your self make sure your stuff is together for the baby some time you just don't need the man. God luck.

  10. He doesn't stand a chance. He would have to prove first that you are unfit, and then he'd have to prove that he is better suited to raise a child. That is not going to happen.

  11. it is very and i mean very rear that the courts will give a child to the father. he has to prove to the courts that your a unfit mother. and in witch it doesnt sound like you unfit at all. i dont worry about it. you dont need the stress of that in your life.  just keep up what your doing and yourll be fine.

  12. No he cannot take your baby. It sounds to me as if he is unfit and I am sure that a judge could see that. I would not call him, answer his calls, etc..He could be just throwing threats at you to get his way. But just in case he isn't I would steer clear of him on all matters. However, watch yourself though if he is serious anything that he can get against you, he will use. But they have to prove that you are unfit and that is very hard to do. At the least, if he pushed it he could get visitation, but with his drinking problem you can get that restricted to supervised only. I would, if I were you document every single phone call, every single encounter with him, etc...just in case. It helps and documenting all of that is THE BEST that you can do.  

  13. The first thing you should do is take care of you and the baby growing inside of you.  Do not stress out over his empty threats.  You are the mother and even great fathers have a fight to get complete custody much less a loser like him.  He will be lucky to get chaperoned visits with his attitude and life record so far.

  14. no chance

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