
Can helicopters or other aircaft be directly affected by earthquakes while airborne?

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And have you ever witnessed an eathquake from the air? what did you see.




  1. nope

  2. well, not really. it can't really affect an aircraft as the earthquake does not really send out large amounts of ash or anything. so no it cant affect an aircraft as far as I know. Volcanoes can affect them. Their weather radar's are affected and there is an affect on the aircraft which looks like electricfication. the outside of the aircraft lights up due to the ash in the sky left by the volcano. this is called St elmos/almos fire. this happened to an airliner traveling over Bali and those areas.

  3. no.. earthquakes happen on the ground.. not in the sky..

  4. i do not think so on less something falls on it but that what almost never happen

  5. only if the air craft is on the ground in that area.

  6. ye

  7. No, there not on the ground

  8. The only thing that it could affect is a change in pressure due to the moving earth.  The change would be so small, that it wouldn't affect any aircraft at all.

  9. I've never witnessed an earthquake from air, maybe I didn't know one was going on under me...  But I think the only thing that would affect some airborne craft is making it harder to land

  10. well a earthquake is when only the ground is moving so aircraft cant be Directly affected cause it isnt an air born thing....

  11. I`m gonna differ from most here. Depending on the scenario, it is possible but not very likely.

  12. not really unless something falls on it or there is a huge shock wave.

  13. Aircraft can be affected by eathquakes through broken communication systems, but nothing as far as being directly affected.

  14. it can destroy surface tecnology that planes require such as guidence and radar......but not directly

  15. No.

  16. no change in the air really. Unless there is a huge shock wave.

  17. no eartqukes are on earth (land) planes are in the air itsa not an airquake! lol :)

  18. Damage to infrastructure on the ground might have an impact on their communication with air traffic control. Otherwise no.

  19. Seriously? NO!

  20. yes control unit is on ground.

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