
Can hillary still win the nomination !! or is it to late?

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why are people voting for mccain !! hes 70!!! are ppl mad !!!! why do they waste there votes !! and why do they fall for obamas speeches !! hes full of **** !!! sorry if ive insulted the obama fans !! But really come on !!! GO HILLARY !!!!!




  1. Neither one can win it outright.  To win in the Democratic party one must have over 2000 delegates, there are not enough delegates left to put either over the top.  It is going to have to go to the super-delegates for the decision.  It would help Clinton if she were to take a few more states, it would make her appear more appealing to the super-delegates.  It is my sincere hope that they chose her, I will vote for her & never for him!

  2. Hillary can still win the nomination.  She'll need to keep Obama from sweeping the remaining primaries and caucuses then convince a majority of superdelegates to support her.

  3. I firmly believe she is S U N K !!!!!!

  4. Now that the Republicans have McCain a lot of Republicans are going to cross over and vote in the primaries for Hillary. They all think that McCain can easily BEAT her!


  6. She can, but only if she does particularly well in Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania.  If she and Obama deadlock at the convention, the DNC might decide to break the tie by letting Michigan and Florida hold late primaries.  Both states could easily go for Hillary, so her hope is not all lost.

  7. I don't know if she can pimp out her daughter to all the super delegates there is just not enough time. SLICK WILLY should not have broken ties with Monaca she may of come in handy right now. Looks like they blew that one. It looks pretty bad for them I think they used up all there ties with whom ever they had to take care of Foster. Plus SLICK WILLY doesn't have the power to pardon felons anymore. I can't think how she can do it, sorry. BIHB!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I nominate her for high priestest of pyramid schemes, grand wizard of dissappearing FBI files, and queen of criminal intent.

    Yep, looks like she's got this one wrapped up!

  9. She can win if she wins the majority of delegates from Ohio, Texas, Pennsylvania.  But to hear the way her campaign tells it, she will win because of "Superdelegates" and just ignore the vote.

  10. The race is really wide open.  Anyone can win at this point.

  11. she will win it.

  12. One can only HOPE it is too late.

  13. I'll tell you one thing:  if Florida and Nevada's delegates could be counted in this primary season, it would help her cause quite a bit.  I think it's really unfair that the Democratic Central Committee has refused to allow those two states' delegates to participate because they held their primaries early.  And it should be challenged.  It makes me think that the DCC is biased towards Hillary.  Would it have come down the same way if Obama had won those two states?

  14. No, the race is wide open. It can easily go either way.

  15. She would have to win all the rest of the primaries or something

  16. Perhaps she can win the nomination, but that would ensure the victory of McCain in the Presidential Elections.

    The extraordinary thing is that all her strategies for winning the nomination, if succesful, would secure her final defeat:

    - she insists on the 'experience' issue, but what experience does she have really? What is her political record? What did she actually achieve? In terms of experience she's nothing compared to McCain.

    - she insists that the democratic party must not choose its nominee in a democratic way. All reasonable democratic leaders understand that this is suicidal for the party.

    - she is entirely negative against her fellow democratic candidate instead of being positive about herself. Assuming she has ousted Obama (can be only done by foul means) she will have a very negative image...

    Apparently Hillary Clinton is not interested in a democrat winning the White House this year; she's only obsessed by

    the narcissic fear of losing the nomination.

  17. Who cares anymore.  The people in Florida and Michigan apparently don't have any say in what happens to our country.  We should just secede.

  18. It's very nearly too late.  She'd have to win the remaining primaries by a very high percentage, and every one she loses increases that percentage.

  19. i hope it's too late, i do NOT want her to win.  I'd move to Canada

  20. Hillary will take Ohio and Texas no doubt, maybe even Pennsylvania.  The Dems better pray she gets it, because if Obama wins the nomination, McCain will take the general election in November.

  21. not too late untill the fat lady sings.  she is starting to warm up though.

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