
Can home made Biodiesel run a regular engine?

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The basics concerning a biodesiel is that biodesiel combusts at around 150C compared to petrol diesel fuel at 55C. Now my thought is that most diesel petrol is not recommended for car engines as there is the risk of knocking. Knocking is where the compressed air ignites before it reaches the spark plug to be ignited. Or that is what I am told. Now diesel runs this risk because of the low combustion temperature. Is the fact that Bio-diesel has such a high combustion temperature warrant the thought to use this as a regular fuel? Or does there have to be another refining process? If there is a necessary refining process, then can a website or actual steps be recommended and/or sited as refrence in order to finish this matter? I thank you all for you time in reading this lengthy question in advance.




  1. your don't make sense in parts of your question.

    no diesel fuel will not work in a gasoline engine.

    bio diesel will not work in a gasoline engine

    yes bio-diesel will work in a diesel engine

    if you are trying to use bio-diesel as a base for making bio-gasoline it will not work.

    you will not get knocking if you run bio-diesel in a

    gasoline engine as the fuel will not ignite.

    the compression temp in a diesel engine reach over 750F(399C for you English dudes) degrees before the fuel is injected.

    that is why bio-diesel will burn in a diesel engine.

    there are diesel engines that can run on unrefined light crude oil (found on oil tanker ships)

    you guy sure have a funny language. almost need a translator to understand

  2. If you make the biodiesel right, it should run in any diesel engine.   Here are a few guides on doing that (oversimplified)

    I don't believe the combustion temperatures are that different.  That data seems wrong to me.

    Now if you want to mess with running diesel or a biodiesel variant in a gas engine, you're entering a brave new world with a lot of tricks and problems.  Lotsa luck.  Generally, gasoline engines (or the archaic word, "distillate engines") are delicate little things intended for light, highly flammable fuel, generally obtained by distilling.  That's a bit opposite from diesels, which tend to be stout and burly and burn "darn near anything".  It would be quite an achievement to get a gas engine to run on a non-distilled oil fuel like biodiesel, but it may just be easier to put a diesel engine in the car.  They make them as small as 9 horsepower.   If at that point you add preheaters to the injectors, fuel lines and tanks, you could dispense with the biodiesel brew entirely and just straight veggie oil.

  3. Yes, home made bio diesel run a regular engine.

  4. Biodiesel will work just fine in regular diesel engines, it will not work in an engine that runs on gasoline however.

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