
Can home schooled children get college scholarships?

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Can home schooled children get college scholarships?




  1. Yes, they can.

  2. I'm homeschooled and I got a $17,000 per year Scholarship to Fordham University

  3. Absolutely... as with MOST schoalrships the criteria for winning them are standardized test scores (SAT, ACT etc)and accomplishments in the community and with your academic work, Letters of recommendation etc.

    Just gotta apply like all the "other" kids...

  4. Yes, there are even special scholarships just for being home-schooled also. I went to local university websites & under their "scholarship" page I was able to find some. I ended up recieving one that way.

  5. Yes.

    Almost no scholarships define what school you came from to receive them.  Also, government-based aid doesn't discriminate against homeschooled versus public schooled versus private schooled children.  This aid is based on how much money your family has to pay for college.  Fill out the FAFSA form ( to apply for this kind of aid.  It makes you eligible for certain college loans (with better rates and rules than other loans) and for college grants (which you never have to pay back).

    Here are a few tips on finding scholarships:

    1.  Try websites.  Check my references for a few that can help you identify scholarships that you might excel at.  There are actually scholarships that are specifically for homeschooled children, too.  You fill out a form of all of the activities and interests that you have, and it comes up with every scholarship that you might be able to apply for.

    2.  Visit the local public high school college counselor.  S/he should have a lot of information on local-only scholarships that you can still apply to, and it's unlikely that s/he won't help you just because you don't attend public school.  If s/he protests at all, point out that your family pays taxes that support this school just like every student at the school, so your parents are paying for her/his salary, so you deserve help, too.  My school had a filing system set up that students could access themselves for information about different local scholarships, so it probably won't take up much of the counselor's time at all!

    3.  Check the website of the college you plan to attend.  Some have their own scholarships, too!

  6. yes

  7. Yes. Homeschool children have just as much of a chance to get a scholarship as children who attended public or private schools. Actually, homeschooling is recognized as a private school in a lot of states such as Texas. I hope that answered your question!

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