
Can home schooling done on the Internet like you exams and everything?

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Can home schooling done on the Internet like you exams and everything?




  1. Yes. Some examples are Bob Jones, and I think John Hagee has an online school. Just google your question and some sites should come up.

  2. Why would you lower yourself to a level of online homeschooling? Get out there and interact with other students and become a normal adult. Sorry to be so honest.

  3. Yes, of course you can and it is NOT "lowering" yourself as someone suggested.

    Everyone is different and therefore, there are many many different styles of home education.

    Some students would be miserable unschooling. Others would feel confined and restricted by an "all in one" approach. Still others feel "controlled" by an umbrella school. Some parents feel overwhelmed at the prospect of creating their own curriculum. Some students bore easily with workbooks. Some students hate to read and would be miserable with a literature based program.

    And some like gadets and gizmos and bells and whistles and would be very content with an online program.

    you may be one of them, so check it out.

    Others have given you some ideas for online programs.

    One I know that offers a quality education with credits that transfer easily is Texas Tech ODE.

  4. there are several online charter schools some of which are free if your family falls under certain income criteria.    and connections academy or a coupole of them. and you can organize a local group of homeshoolers if there isnt a group already so you can take field trips together and stuff.

  5. There are many online homeschool academies. You do the work at home, but they provide the support similar to correspondence courses. More than exams and assignments, you will need to decide if you are looking for an accredited diploma. If so, be sure that the online schools you check out have accreditation status with your state.

    Some online schools provide you with books and you interact with your teacher(s) or consultant via internet. Others have all their coursework online and you sign in to complete your lessons. The philosophy of the program determines if you have weekly tests, end of chapter quizzes, or some other form of evaluation.

    If you are looking for an online homeschool academy, you can do a keyword google search using that phrase. One that I just learned about in the last year is the American School of Correspondence.

  6. Yes, it can be done.

    It's a great online school.  Your tuition will include:  online books and the books will also be mailed to you.  You can take your exams online or mail them in on a bubble-sheet that they will provide.

  7. yes of course

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