
Can horses eat...?

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Can horses eat regular oatmeal cookies? With flour, white sugar, brown sugar, egg, baking soda, salt, butter, vanilla and oats?




  1. The only thing that would hurt the horse would be the baking soda and eggs. But the small amount of eggs and baking soda in one or two cookies would not harm the horse. Every thing else in the cookie is natural feed for a horse.

    Edit- I know eggs are not that harmful. I DID NOT SAY THEY WHERE HARMFUL only they can be, its all proportion(kinda like saying bacon can kill you, huh yeah if you eat 5 lbs a day for 20 years). I have a degree in livestock nutrition from Cal Poly. But I personal only feed grains that are natural feed(oats, barley, corn) for livestock and i have no problems with coats. A cookie is fine horses eat grains, grains are good, for them and us. And let us not forget anything a horse can take(medications, foods) a human can eat, but animal proteins and fats can greatly harm a horse, where do you think mad cow disease came from.

    And unless you have the same degree that I do then you may have a say.

  2. yep it won't hurt them but make sure its only once in a while!

  3. i don't see why not.. just not to much.

    i give my horses lots of junk food (in small amounts)

    they like twizzlers, soda (sprite, its the only type i've given them, again in very small amounts), peppermints (most horses like those), jelly beans, jolly ranchers.. it goes on.

    none of my horses have ever gotten sick.. just keep it in small amounts and you should be fine.

  4. Just make sure that you don't put rasins in them and that there's not a whole lot of them going into your horse.

    There are recipes on line for REAL horse cookies that horses can eat regularly.  My best fried has a GREAT recipe for some that she and her mom get into making.

  5. Of course only in moderation but in my exp

    they love oatmeal cookies!

    And they love love love brown sugar!!!

    I mean hello Sugar + Molasses OMG they'll

    go nuts!!! thats my horses fave treat!!!

    Nico Maveric Chianne Pumkin and Spicie say hi! (my horses)

  6. i think so just not to much of all that

  7. you know, if your horse isn't overly sensitive and is a easy keeper..

    i wouldnt worry about it. I mean obviously you wouldnt give it to them everyday.

  8. yes a small amount

    to much suger can cause illness

    no more than a little bit each day though

  9. yes you can feed them to your horse. I wouldn't say it's a great idea to do it consistently, though. If I were you I would stick to things like carrots, apples, pre-made horse treats and home recipes especially made for a horses diet. Other things with an overload of sugar and starches should be cut out.

  10. Yes, but don't go overboard or you will throw off its digestive system and it could colic. All things in moderation.

  11. i dont know if the horse would even eat it just make horse cookies thats the safer way

  12. Horses have very sensitive stomachs so I wouldn't give them anything other than food made for horses. Instead of oatmeal cookies try giving your horses treats made for them. They can be bought at any feed store. Colic is bad stuff and you dont want any part of that

  13. Yes, I'm sure that's totally fine. As long as you aren't like giving them a ton, it's fine. A horse can eat a lot of stuff, as long as it's in moderation, as everybody else has said. :]

  14. Yes, a small treat won't hurt every once in a while.

  15. They could but they probably shouldn't.    Buy them Winnie's Cookies if you want to give them cookies.  They are excellent and the horse's love them.

  16. Yes they can, but I frown upon feeding any animal human food. Their bodies simply do not function like ours do, and because they can't speak, they can't tell us if they are feeling bad, having an allergic reaction, or have a tummy ache.

    I've owned a few dogs that feel they have to eat EVERYTHING. Even though they lived for the moment and ate those table scraps that one of the kids threw down for them, less than an hour later they would be huddled up in a ball, gagging, and squirting everywhere.

    Instead of feeding your horse human food, find a horse friendly recipe on the Internet and cook for your equine. Or purchase premade horse treats. Your horse will be healthier and thank you for it. Also as a reminder. DON'T hand feed.

    EDIT: KEVIN H. Eggs are perfectly safe for horses. Most showers and exhibitors including myself, feed a raw egg with corn oil each day to give the horse a nice natural shine and glow. It also improves coat health and reduces chances of scars.

    EDIT AGAIN: Kevin, I am a retired veterinarian with a degree from Texas A&M. I've been in the horse business now for over 50 years. And having a degree does not make you any more smart than the next person. A diploma does not make up for common sense.
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