
Can hpv cause a girl to be unable have children?

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Can hpv cause a girl to be unable have children?




  1. No but HPV is the virus that leads to cervical cancer

  2. HPV cannot cause infertility. Having a LEEP procedure, Cryo Freeze, or even HPV warts cannot effect fertility. I have had three leeps, two cryos, and unfortunatly have HPV warts, my husband and i are currently 3 months pregnant. The only concern this caused with my pregnancy is i will be unable to give birth naturally, as my cervix is too weak from all the operations. They actually had to sew my cervix together to ensure it would hold up to the pressures of pregnancy.  

  3. HPV does not directly cause infertility.

    But certain treatments and surgeries for severe precancerous or cancerous conditions of the cervix (for example, cone biopsy, LEEP excision) can sometimes lead to problems becoming pregnant because the surgery can destroy the cervical cells responsible for producing cervical mucus, decreasing the amount of cervical mucus available. If you never had this surgery on your cervix, it's unlikely that the HPV is the cause of your problems getting pregnant.

  4. in some cases. i know someone who has this and she had children ....

  5. Certain surgeries to remove it can cause scar tissue which may make it more difficult to get pregnant. On a positive note, my sister had it and just gave birth to a healthy baby boy two days ago. =)

  6. The virus itself does not cause infertility, no.

    Good luck.

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