
Can human see a ghost ?

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Can human see a ghost ?




  1. There have been so many reports by people who claim they have seen ghosts, that there has to be something to the phenomenon.  I don't dismiss something as impossible just because I haven't personally experienced it.

  2. Sure, I suppose so.  I have experienced a ghost but never saw anything.  Ghost Hunters on the Sci Fi channel is a reality ghost chasing show.  They always have hard evidence of seeing something.  So did you see a ghost?

  3. Yes! I have felt ghosts or spirits and saw movement out of

    the corner of my eye or seen movement, once i saw a little

    boy playing ball in my livingroom.. he is gone now and he was  a ghost and my sons girlfriend saw someone watching

    her out of the window and i was gone.. so yes i think so..

  4. only if we can also talk to Santa Claus and the easter bunny

  5. Sure, if there's a ghost to be seen.

  6. No. Do not be silly!

  7. Programmes like Most Haunted are 100% fake, you're not born with special powers to see ghosts we're all equally average humans.

    I do believe in ghosts, and i suppose you would see them in the right places.



  9. I'm not sure.  There have been so many people that say they have seen something that they couldn't explain or felt something.

  10. The question is better phrased as "Are there ghosts?" , "If so, can humans see them?"

    Most old houses (ie "haunted") have lousy wiring. That makes the "Ghost hunting" instruments react as well as provoking some human reactions. Old houses also have leaks so there's cold drafts and cold areas.

    "What ends up happening is nobody reads the instructions," said Auerbach, who holds a graduate degree in parapsychology from Pleasant Hill's John F. Kennedy University, a program that was terminated in the 1980s. "I'm seeing people use (electromagnetic-field meters) all over the place, and they get all excited when they get a high reading. It turns out they're next to a microwave oven."

    Microwaves aren't the only natural source of electromagnetic fields -- they come from all kinds of sources, including power lines, poorly insulated wiring, and computer and television screens.

    "I've found more bad wiring in homes than I've found ghosts with these devices," Auerbach said"

    Critters in the attic can cause "ghost footprints" as will house settlement and plumbing.

    As for "seeing" ghosts much can be explained by apophenia, seeing patterns where there aren't any. We mentally "fill in" what we see. I show my students a "picture:"

    and most see a dog. However, it's really ink blots that people interpret as a picture.

    You're question has an unproven assumption, that there are ghosts. If you can prove this assumption please collect one million dollars at:

  11. Not really, as they don't exist.

  12. You can only answer that question if you have seen a ghost with your own eyes. The thing is would you believe it if you did see one? Don't take other people's word for it-the proof is in your own experience.

  13. When I was a child I liked to listen to superstitious old folks tell ghost stories. The younger more enlightened people knew it was none sense. As a kid I did too. Now the pendulum is swinging in the opposite direction and some  young educated people believe in this none sense.

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