
Can humanoids be transparent,...?

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  1. What amazes me about these stories is that no one else has ever seen them before  or ever will again.   Often the producers of these shows set this stuff up so that their show will succeed.

    It is just like the story that lemmings run off of cliffs, which has become a cliche, but is not true.   A Natural Life film crew forced them off the cliff in a 'documentary' years ago, and it has been repeated as the Gospel ever since.

    No translucent humanoids.  No ghosts, no Easter Bunny, Santa or Tooth Fairy.    Sorry. Reality sucks, eh?

  2. Uh No!

  3. No.

    LOL at the "pictures"

  4. Ha!  I am no longer surprised by all the creative ways people find to be stupid.

  5. If there on another plane, they might be able to create an energy plasma field that looks white and transparent. Spirits do that a lot.

  6. Aliens do have a stealth field to make them invisible at times to us.The stealth field does have its problems.Sometimes there stealth fields fail and we can see the image of the aliens sometimes if the light is right.One example is on you tube.A alien running around a zoo compound in a frenzie.It seems his stealth field failed to some degree and it revealed a part image of his body.No wounder he was running round in a mad fit.I think it was a lion in closer.

  7. no they would have to be oplec

  8. I have never heard of a humanoid being transparent. As you know a humanoid is an automation that has humanlike characteristics. So, it would not be a humanoid if it was transparent. It may be a ghost or some other kind of paranormal phenomena. But I do not believe that humanoids are transparent.

  9. If you were transparent you wouldn't be able to see, since there would be no way to get the light information to your brain.

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