
Can humans and apes interbreed?

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Can humans and apes interbreed?




  1. I personally had short relationship with a female Bonobo.

    We had several in a lab at the Republican Institute for Inteliganc, uh Intellaguien, uh Intelagehnt, uh, smarts.

    We were trying to extract compounds from the brains of female Bonobos in an attempt to raise the IQ of several leading Republican politicians. Unfortunately, the Bonobo brain cells were too advanced for effective transplant and the subject politicians no only didn't benefit from the trials but remained as dumb as before.

    The only reason I dated her was that I could discuss science with her and she didn't immediately begin hitting me over the head with her KJV of the bible.

    I must say that she had really good legs.

    I can't answer the question for sure, we had no children. I couldn't afford the support payments and family carping as to why I didn't find a different type of Republican girl.

  2. no because an apes egg sac can not hold a human sperm

  3. Now dont you think if this were possible, some goofball would have tried it long ago and you would have heard about it?

  4. no - - humans and apes are different species  - we are genetic cousins

  5. No, we have different numbers of chromosomes.  The number of chromosomes is the primary reason species cannot interbreed.  Without the same number of chromosomes, the egg will not fertilize.  

    The next problem is with the genetics itself.  Even in some species with the same chromosomes, the genetics are too different to produce viable offspring.  This is the problem some breeders face with trying to mix wolfs with domestic dogs, or say domestic cats with pumas.

    The only way to interbreed an ape and human, would be to take the sperm or egg from the one, strip out the genetic material, and replace it with the other.  Scientists ARE able to do this, and have with other animals, with limited success.  Of course no ethics board in the world would sanction such activity with Human genetic material.

    In all the animal world we know of, the only one with the same number chromosomes as humans are (believe it or not) COWS.  So, technically, bovine egg or sperm would fertilize human egg or sperm.  Doubtful it would develop however, again because of the genetic differences.  

    Makes you wonder about the legend of the Minotaur though..ooOO

  6. sure. check your family album.

  7. why don't you try it.  be sure to send me pictures of the kids.

  8. No, only the same species can breed and produce offspring.

  9. No, interbreeding among species is not possible.  I believe that in the case of chimpanzees they have 48 chromosomes and humans have 46.  There are however rumors/conspiracy theories that the U.S. military once tried to cross Mountain Gorilla dna with that of a human in order to breed a stronger, faster, tougher human being, but it sounds more like the works of some one's imagination that a true experiment.

    There have been "Chimeras" created in labs though.  A Chimera is most often thought of as a mythical animal with a lions body, a snakes tail, and a goats head.  However what I mean is that mixed species off spring have been created in labs.  This information is often not published as it is looked down upon and discouraged in the scientific community and I believe is also illegal in many countries, it has however happened.  I cannot remember the specific experiments, but I'm sure a quick search online would lead you to some documentation.

    There was recently some controversy over an experiment that involved a sheep that was created with 15% of it's dna being human.

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