
Can humans be truly nocturnal, like animals?

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Can humans be truly nocturnal, like animals?




  1. Most of mammals are color blind but human was developed to be non color blind. Now human can not go back to be nocturnal cos instead their olfaction was atrophied.

  2. no..not possible according to me

  3. yes it is.

    its like the people that work the night shift

    all you have to do is adjust your sleep schedule

    like stay up later and wake up later

    so that eventually you will become nocturnal


    hope i helped

  4. very true

  5. yeah there is night shifts

  6. Well, typically, humans are not designed for roleplaying as a nocturnal being since they have underdeveloped eyesight as compared to the capability of felines or other nocturnal dwellers like Kestral Falco sparverius, commonly known as the owl. They recgonize color and visually interact with the environment using light sources. Independantly, no human is a nocturnal unless they are genetically modified to cope with the harsh difficulties of dwelling at night, whereas people who work night shifts are technically still not nocturnal. What defines nocturnal is what the structural engineering of the body is, not whether they choose to operate their bodies at which time period.

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