
Can humans breed with chimps ?

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horses and donkeys produce mules so can people and apes have live young the reason I ask this is many on here have the minds of monkeys




  1. Depends on what she looks like

  2. Even though we are extremely similar(s***w science, my ancestors were not chimps), we are made up differently, genetically-wise. So I highly doubt it.

  3. If they  do and have offspring it will be sterile . . .thank God ! !.

    GreyBeard  I love you. . .LOL LOL LOL

  4. In general mules are infertile. a simple definition of species is a group of similar organisms which are capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring.... humans and chimps are different species so cannot produce offspring...sorry

  5. Judging by some of the answers on here tonight, they can and have--------

  6. No unless Its super chimp

  7. no, but they can have good time nonetheless

  8. no humans cannot

    there was a study done on it a long time ago in the late ninteen ninties,

    altough we are genetically similar, we are not similar enough

    so no, we cannot breed with chimps

    and *** all the religious people who said it was god's will

    *** you all

  9. no since monkeys have a different number of chromosones than us so its impossible for us to breed

  10. If it did work, then the human that will come out of that, will be a mutant freak. Monkeys and humans have different genes. We don't have the same genes either.

    Some things in nature are out of bounds, and that's one of them!

  11. no they cannot even though it seems like it. animals can only reproduce when they are from the same genus or species. horses and donkeys can produce offspring together because they are both in the genus Equus. the horse is Equus caballus and the donkey is Equus asinus.

    Chimps and the even more closely related Bonobo (our closest relative) are both in the genus Pan. humans are the genus of Homo. we are the only animals that are the genus Homo. all other relatives are extinct. so.... humans can only make babies with humans!

    i didn't say stupid people couldn't breed with each other though... unfortunately.

    EDIT - to D310N...

    if you read my answer you will see that science NEVER said that humans came from chimps, or any other ape or monkey. people that think this are idiots... seeing as how ALL other ancestors of ours are in a totally different genus... and they are all extinct...

    i don't know what science book you're reading but you are the one that's wrong, not science. nobody came from chimps. but humans and chimps DID come from a common ancestor. learn your facts kiddo!

  12. No because we do not have the same number of chromosomes, and this is a major obstacle to overcome.  Even though our DNA sequences are incredibly similar they are arranged differently into chromosome pairs; humans have one fewer pair than other great apes like chimps and gorillas.  The splitting and pairing of chromosomes during meiosis is so crucial to the formation of a zygote that I do not believe this problem can be worked around.  Horses and donkeys not only have very close DNA sequences, but their chromosomal arrangement is similar enough that they can be combine.

  13. ewwmygod!

    yeah a human tried that

    and thats where aids came from!

  14. Just thought I'd add that actually, humans and chimps are more genetically alike than horses and asses, and they can breed together. So it does seems likely that we would be able to have horrible human-chimp children - see above.

  15. ummm yea dont try to do that, fuking monkeys never works if you want to have kids

  16. no

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