
Can humans make babies with animals?

by  |  earlier

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is it possible for a human to get an animal pregnant or vice versa?




  1. Why?  Were you thinking you wanted a half horse half human for a child?  

  2. You are nasty!! Try it and let everyone knows what happen

  3. Thank god no for the animals sake!

  4. No.. its physically impossible given our differing genetic makeup.  

  5. No!!  

  6. weird...i dnt knoe

  7. no. genetics takes care of that little whoops. the DNA dont mess so interbreeding between almost any animals jsut wont work.

  8. no no noooooooooooooooo!

    we have different number of chromosomes! FORTUNATELY!

  9. No because you can only reproduce within the same species

    Humans are Homo Sapien Sapien meaning we can only reproduce with outselfs and no other animal

  10. Its a bit worrying that you are even asking this question.

  11. Why would you want to know? Are you guilty of something?

  12. sick! a little  

  13. no its physically impossibl. not to mention ILLEAGLE!

  14. Your a sick ****

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