
Can humans swim in the water for along time?

by  |  earlier

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maybe i thing so! it just needs to be answerd pls answer this so your wish will come denied




  1. If they trained for it.

  2. uhhhhh, yes.

  3. Scott, are you the guy in charge of "wish will come denied"? Is that why the Lottery is beyond my grasp?

  4. Yes! It has been experimented with that humans can last long in the water. Fortunately it really depends on the type of person you are. There is no specific gender or blood type you just have to have a good heart and lungs. Like if you have asthma you will most likely not last longer than a normal breathing person and if you have been in the water your whole life you are most likely to hold on longer than a normal person. So humans can last long but only a few have that type of ability to last long under water holding your breathe.

  5. It depends on how long and what kind of water and what you're wearing.  The biggest problem is probably hypothermia.  Your body is supposed to be at 98.6 and everything is less than that except for hot tubs which have the opposite problem.  The counter for hypothermia is exercise and body fat which allow you to keep up your internal temp; but, sooner or later you couldn't continue.  A hot tub will suck the fluids out of your body and you'll poach yourself eventually.  Salt water and chlorine both have other issues as well - leaching oils and moisture out of your body.

  6. not long as in hours and hours physically it's not possible the muscles would fatigue and the person would drown

  7. some people can swim for long periods of time but some people cant, sometimes when your old and you go diving theres this thing where u can all of a sudden black out and drown, some peoples bodys just cant handle and some can

  8. i dont know what your talking about there in the details section. AS for the question it obviously depends on the person. A fat person will float. A fit person can swim for a long time if they are trained for it. If you fit and have a good layer of fat your all set because you dont hardly have to move around the fat helps keep up most of your weight.

  9. it depends on how long you can hold your breath. If you have scuba gear on than I presume you can stay in water as long as your heart desires.

  10. yea but u get wrinkley

  11. I think it depends on the person and how strong a swimmer they are.

  12. We can...but our bodies are also not made to remain in the water forever, so it will start to affect it. I'm sorry, I wish I could understand the wording of your question better. :)

  13. I could swim at a pretty constant pace for pretty much all day. After last swim season ended I tested my endurance. I swam 13 miles in about 6 hours, only stopping for water breaks. I'm sure if I did a leisure swim I could go for at least 24 hours straight. Floating I could probably do for about 36 hours (in the middle of the ocean) before I started thinking I would eventually drown.

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