
Can hyenas eat pretty much ANYTHING???

by Guest61684  |  earlier

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can they have chocolate??? since they have such strong stomach acids, even stronger than ours.




  1. No. They can't digest cellulose, for example, so they can't eat grass and other vegetable matter. However, they can and do eat every part of an animal carcass, including the hooves, horns and bones, thanks to their powerful jaws and highly acidic digestive juices. They can also eat flesh in an advanced state of decay without suffering any ill effects. They certainly could eat and digest chocolate, though it would be bad for their teeth and, in large quantities, could make them fat.

    In response to James H's answer, in which he says hyenas are 'just like other big cats', I must point out that hyenas are not cats. They belong to their own family, the Hyaenidae. Also, they are not purely scavengers - they are good hunters in their own right, particularly spotted hyenas, which work together to bring down large prey such as zebra and wildebeest. Lions steal their kills as often as the other way round.

  2. WILL they eat almost anything?  You bet, including camera bags, vehicle tires, cosmetics....

    Should they eat these things?  Without any nutritional value, I would say no, and that would include chocolate.  Robert Ruark accused them of eating carrion that even vultures refused.

  3. Actualy they can eat chocolate. but its not good for them. the only thing they mostly eat is meat because in a science book they are known as meat eaters in another word they are CARNIVORES. I hope the information i gave you can be helpful. godbless.

  4. Hyenas doesn`t like chocolate because they`re meat and blood hunger animals just like other big cats. That`s why lions, leoapards and cheaters when they`ve got their prey killed they must deal with it very quickly. If not, the Hyenas will roam around outnumbers for their shares.

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