
Can i Apply for Australian Visa, if my visa is rejected by UK?

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My Visa application has been rejected for UK last year because of my work experiance.

now I want to apply for Australian Visa by putting some other work experience.

my question is, will Australian Embassy check the cause of my previous rejection. because i am putting different work experience now.




  1. I prefer Discover.

  2. Visa sucks. Get American Express or Mastercard instead.

  3. On the Australian visa application form, there will be a question similar to "Have you ever been rejected for a visa?". If you answer truthfully, which I suggest you should, they will merely ask why this visa was rejected. If you say truthfully that it was because of your lack of experience, they will probably just ignore your previous visa rejection from the UK. However, if you don't tell them and they later find out that you had been rejected a visa by the UK, they will question you as yo why you lied and you will have a higher chance of being rejected a visa (or having your visa canceled depending on when they find out) compared to if you just told the truth.

  4. no

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