
Can i Learn to play the Saxophone?? please help this uselesss person?

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Ok... iv always wanted to learn the saxaphone or the flute. Anyway i have a music GCSE pratical cumming up next year and for my group piece i play the drums but need a solo piece. I could do the drums aswell for a solo but i would like to be more involved in music but the problem is im not very naturaly musicaly talented so i woundering do think i could learn the to play the saxaphone? or is that just asking too much?




  1. Try renting a sax from a music store just for the summer- most places have relatively cheap summer rentals, since school is out. I play the flute and did this last summer, and it turned out pretty well, Whatever you do, don't but a cheap sax online- you never know what you're going to get.

  2. You could learn how to play the sax in 1 year if you practiced a lot. It's more about consistent practice than just doing it naturally. I doubt you'd be good enough to use the sax for your solo, though. Why don't you play a drum solo and play the sax as part of a group. Much safer...

  3. Well, the saxophone isn't a particularily hard instrument to learn. If you rent own from a music store and then take lessons for the year, i'm sure you'd be ready to use it on your solo. Being musically talented and practising are two different things, even the people who are musically talented need to practise eventually, or things will get too hard and they'll drop it.

    Overall, if you take one lesson a week (say 30-45 minutes each lesson) for the year, you would probably be able to. If you don't want to pay for lessons, then i wouldn't bet on it, but it's possible, you'd just have to be extremely dedicated. The only way you'll know for sure is to try, and what would be life without a few risks? (Also, you should prepare a drum solo, just in case you don't feel comfortable)

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