
Can i add another Fire Bellied Toad to my tank...?

by  |  earlier

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my fire bellied toad used to be in a two gallon small container thing. well yesterday i decided to move him into a ten gallon glass aquarium because he seemed very unhappy and enclosed in the small container. i put in the colorful rocks on one side for land and on the other side is about an inch of water he can swim in and theres a bigger rock and his feeding dish. i got him from petsmart so the tank he was in there had at least 15-20 toads in it.obviously i would never get that many. but im not sure if its safe to add another toad. he isnt aggresive, but i dont want to indanger his health or the health of another fire belly. i just think that now he is much happier with the big tank with more water and rocks and i just thought maybe he would feel more entertained and less lonely with a buddy. please help!




  1. Of course you can add to it.   Fire bellied toads like to be together.

    I wouldn't try to breed them though its difficult.

    Good luck with your new Fire belly toad!

  2. they are not aggresive...add away.

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