
Can i add batteries to make an electric moped go faster, if i do will it damage the motor?

by  |  earlier

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I have a voy electric moped. It came with a set of three 12 volt batteries. Will adding more batteries to increase the voltage make it faster, or dammage the engin? How many more 12 volt batteries would be ok to add, if any?




  1. depending on the quality of the motor, you could ad 1 more battery to make it a 48volt pack. however, you will have to get a 48 volt charger and a motor controller that will operate at the 48 volt battery voltage. drop a note to EV Parts for more info.

  2. If you add more batteries in series with the existing 12V battery, you will fry your moped, however, if you connect them in parallel, you may slightly increase your time between charges.

  3. If you add even one extra 12 volt in series your motor will be burned out.

    Adding extra batteries in parallel will increase your weight so that you will go slower.

    You might get more speed by changing the gearing ratios, or by tricking the governor that limit your speed.

    In many areas these electric mopeds are controlled by a governor to conform to licensing  requirements.  If you trick the governor to go faster, the law may be on your case.

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