
Can i adopt brazil baby girl?

by  |  earlier

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with blue eyes and blond hair because im malaysia and we dont have blue eyes and blond hair. and i want to be a single mom.




  1. If the hair and eye color matters to you that much, I don't think you're ready to adopt a child as your own.

  2. I think the only way for to adopt a Brazilian child is if you adopt the hot Brazilian dad that created them.

  3. I need to place an order for one female baby made in Brazil. Must have blond hair and blue eyes.

    No substitutions allowed!

    There is so much wrong with this 'question' that I don't even know where to start.

  4. every child deserves to have a mother and a father. by choosing to be so selective it seems you are not at all ready to adopt or even have children. you will be denying your...well not even your child... the right to have both parents. im not saying that a single mom cant raise a happy and succesfull child, im just saying that if you do not HAVE to be in that position you should try and avoid it. please do not adopt a child you are no where near ready to have that big of a responsiblity. adoption is not about you. its about giving a child the best possible life, you cannot give that. im sorry.

  5. why don't you adopt a californian super model?

    they could use someobody to feed them.

  6. Please refer to this government site.

  7. wait up, let me see if ou understand this. You want to adopt a baby girl with blue eyes and blonde hair because you dont have the genes to create that and you specifically want a little girl with blue eyes and blonde hair....BABIES ARE NOT LIKE DOLLS!

    that is a horrible reason to want to adopt a baby, how shallow.

  8. There are websites where you can custom order dolls to those specifications.

    If you TRULY mean a baby, you are VERY immature, and shouldn't have a child.  Based only on looks?  Sheesh, you don't deserve children.

  9. Go somewhere else. Everyboby here can adopt a girl with this appearance.

  10. I am afraid not. First of all in Brazil Brazilians get first dips on adoption so most of them take the healthy babies/ young toddlers since that’s what most people want. The only way a foreigner would be able to get a baby or very young child is if its apart of a sibling group or was considered special needs.  Also the majority of children in Brazil are multiracials typical mixed with Black/white/indigenous/portuguese.

    Potential adoptive parent(s) get matched with a child or sibling group, they cant choose what child(ren) they want. Of course PAP could decided not to accept the child(ren) matched to them. They could not go in and say I only want a child that has blonde hair and blue eyes or a child with tannish skin color.

    Not to mention its probably very rare to find a child with that criteria again the majority of Brazilians are multiracial with at least 2 to 4 races and sometimes even more in their mixture. Mixed people can end up with blonde hair and blue eyes but there are far more imo that end up with the dark eyes / hair.

    Of course it could be possible that you could be matched up with a Brazilian  mixed child that has blonde hair and blue eyes or even one of the few monoracial (aka "single-race") children.  However you could not request that. You all not having blue eyes and blonde hair I am sure would not be a factor they just want to match up the kids to the best adoptive parent(s) that works for both the kids and parents.

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