
Can i afford to live?

by  |  earlier

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I have a full time job at a big company, that is very stable. I earn £15,500 annual, whick works out at about £1000 a month. I have a longterm girlfriend and a 3 month old daughter. We currently live with our parents and are planning on moving out in a private rented house. My girlfriend doesnt work, as shes caring for our daughter. On my wage would i be able to rent a house and pay my bills?




  1. I'll covert to US dollars so I can relate...

    15000 pounds is just under $30000 US

    That's enough to live on in an area that has a modest cost of living.  But you'll have to find an inexpensive apartment and keep a very strict budget, especially with trying to raise a little one.  Infants can be costly...

  2. Agreeing with the first poster, one can usually spend 30-40% of their take home pay (300-400lbs for you) on their rent.  You may be a bit towards the low end due to having a wife and kid to support but if you can get a place in this range you can probably afford it (and they'll likely accept you as a renter if your credit it ok).  Of course I'd do a budget before you move in anyhow to see if the numbers work (take all your old expenses over a few months and make sure there really is 300-400 that you can save up each month for rent).

  3. You "qualify" for a monthly rent of 400 pounds.  Most people spend much more than they really qualify for because they want  a nice home.

  4. A good rule is to not pay more than 25% of your monthly income on housing.  As an apartment manager, our criteria mandated income be at least 3 times the rent.
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