
Can i all of a sudden put a female betta in with my male betta?

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if i were to put a female betta in a separate tank right beside my male betta would i stress him out or should i just add her in(but it is only 1 could i add one in or not?




  1. No you cannot put her in with him And i wouldnt leave them side by side it might stress him out a little bit.If you do leave her next to him, only leave her there for a couple hours. If youre planning to breed them. You need to condition them 1-2 weeks before you breed them. But i wouldnt breed them if you got them from a regular petstore.Do lots of reseacrh before even thinking about breeding them. Just leave the male betta by himself. Think about getting a bigger tank for your male betta too!

  2. Bettas are very complicated fish! You can't all of a sudden add the female. Put her next to him for a couple a weeks

    (so they get used to eachother). He will then blow a bubble nest. When the female is swelled with eggs add her. As soon as they mate take her out! The males are harsh on the females. So keep her with him as little as possible. In a few weeks you will have about 100 baby betta fry. Unless you want to do a lot of work and research keep her in a tank next to him.

  3. You can put her next to him. After a while they will get used to each other but it doesn't mean they won't fight if you put them  together. Iput 2 males next to each other and nothin happened.Wish you luck with those fish!:)

  4. You can put them next to each other but not in the same tank.  Eventually they'll become habituated to each other's presence and pay no mind but initially your male will put on a bit of a show.

    I've kept bettas within sight of each other all the time and all eventually quit flaring at their neighbor.  Male or female.

  5. You can put her next to him, but not in the same aquarium if it is that small! If she is next to him he might blow a bubble nest. I say put her next to him, but not 24/7. I'm sure there is another place you could put her and let him see her every once in a while.;)

  6. i wouldn't because your male betta fish will build a bubble nest then when you clean his tank it gets destroyed and he put alot of effort into building it...i just think its kinda sad.

    but even if there isn't a female next to him he will still build a small one.

    just dont put them together because they wont be friends at all. they will shred each others fins. only put them together if u are gonna breed them. and make sure u read up on all that because breeding bettas is hard if you dont know wat your doing.

    oh if you are worried that your male betta gets lonely (i know this seems weird) but when you walk by or look at him they get kinda excited. they wiggle around and i think its cute. mine does that anyways haha.

    good luck!!

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