
Can i applied newton's low to photon electron...??

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or quantum physics ??????????? which is give me the best result????

i need perfect answer...




  1. well....................

    newtons laws r just limited 2 macroscopic objects nt the micro scopic like photon......

    u hav 2 apply the laws of quantum laws......

    4 mor specific details mail me ur question

  2. Newton's law of motion is actually a special case of Special theory of relativity propounded by Einstein. When particle of body is in motion is much lower than the order of velocity of light it is ok to use Newtonian mechanics. On the other hand when the mass and size of the body is small the mechanics we use is called wave mechanics. And this part of the natural problem deals in quantum mechanics which is different from Newtonian approach.

    For your case relativistic quantum mechanics will give you the best available answer.

    I think sense of perfection is subjective not objective.

  3. First off, it's important to know that you will never get a "perfect" answer - it's theoretically impossible. Because wavefunctions are an approximation of wave-particle behavior (Born-Oppenheimer approx. that assumes that since the electron motion is significantly faster than that of the nucleus) then you can never get a "perfect" solution.

    Newtonian physics does not apply to electron motion; the low mass and high speed resulting in wave-particle duality resulting in electron distributions and tunneling negates the possibility of such an application.

    Short answer: use quantum if you want a decent answer.

  4. Ya you can apply Newton's law to photon and Electron if their interaction is point like rather than wave like.

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