
Can i apply for for another time for a tourist visa to france for honey moon after refusing at first time?

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can i apply for another time for a tourist visa to france after refusing it at first time from the french embassy in egypt ( for honey moon this time with my wife ) and i met all the conditions they want to issue visa in the first time i am 31 years a banker from 8 years and have an excellent position and salary and i want to visit france for honey moon because it is a very beautiful country for only 7 days and i will return back home and i will not break my visa accomidation or live illegaly because all eu countries refuse to issue visas for egyptians in my age because illegal immegration to europe countries or if it is difficult to issue a tourist visa to france for me and my wife what is the best countries for honey moon holiday you suggest ? thank you




  1. Yes, France is very hesitant to permit visitors from countries that are an ongoing source of illegal immigrants.  If they said 'no' before I doubt that they will change their minds.  I suggest you contact (visit, if possible) the French embassy and discuss it with a consular official.  It's worth a try.  Good luck!

  2. You can definitely apply again, explaining the reasons for your trip...

    May I suggest just in case the french visa is refused... Why not try the spanish embassy. Spain is also a beautiful and romantic country with many cities worth visiting. Just in Madrid and Andalusian cities such as Seville, Cordoba and Granada (the Alhambra, the moorish castle and garden, is one of the treasures of Spain and heritage of the arab era in Spain) could spend your honeymoon and enjoy a wonderful trip!

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