
Can i apply for study visas for italy and sweden at the same time.Is this possible?

by Guest67126  |  earlier

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i have applied for sweden visa which is still under i have got scholarship from a university in i want to apply for study visa for italy.i will take my passport back from sweden embassy and will apply for italy visa,But I am afraid that doing this would harm my visa at both countries.So please suggest some solution for this problem.




  1. Dear Shahzad if you got Visa of Sweden then you can easily enter italy from sweden without any problem because your visa will be schengen Visa.So after going sweden go to italy and start your studies in italy and get residence permit of italy while living in sweden...

    Tell me please that in which university u got admission in sweden and in which course and when you submit your file in swedish embassy.....

    Thanx alot

  2. Contact (call or visit) both embassies and inquire:

    1. Italian Embassy:

    - what is the process and documents required to get a student visa

    - whether a Shengen Student Visa from Sweden would be acceptable.  This crucial information will determine your next steps.

    2. Swedish Embassy:

    ask how long the visa processing takes, and when you can get your passport back, as you are planning to travel to other countries.

    Congrats on your scholarship and best wishes!

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