
Can i apply for wic if my husband is on unemployment and my baby is now 5 mos old? where do i start?

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  1. Yes you can get on WIC at any time.  Go down to the office with unemployment pay stub, both IDs, proof of address, your child and your childs vaccinations

    Here you can find an office:

  2. YES.

    WIC is wonderful.  They totally promote beast feeding, and will give you milk, cheese, eggs, cereal, etc, if or when you choose to stop (or if you never did) they will give your child rice cereal, formula, and when they get to the age juice and other foods.

    Google WIC California and I am almost positive their web will come up.  They are really helpful and just give them a call and set an appointment.  They have really helped me out, especially when I was breastfeeding and frustrated.  Now my son is 5 months and he is on formula.  I have also heard that if your child needs special formula all they need is a doctors note and they will provide it for you.

    Good luck!

    Edit...when I applied, I told them I was unemployed and that my husband was in school and working, but they did not ask me to provide any proof.  We also were not married at the time, so I don't know if that makes a difference or not, but they are very helpful and they are nice.  It is definitely NOT like welfare, they are caring and understanding, and the one lady actually let me get more formula than I am supposed to because of our circumstances.

  3. You need to call a local clinic that provides wic through them, they will be able to tell you what you need to bring.  if your baby is on medicaide, it should be enough for them, otherwise you'll have to bring proof of income and your utility bill.  good luck!

  4. You just need to vote Republican, so you can continue to pay super high health insurance for coverage they will deny you and another 50 years in Iraq with more breaks for Big Oil companies and you'll be fine.

    -I have spoken.

  5. You should be able to. Go to  

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