
Can i ask to have a survey done on a property before putting in an offer ?

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Well Im in Yorkshire but I think the scotish way makes more sense.




  1. I'm in the US and we have a couple terms that need to be defined here.

    A survey is used to designate the lot being purchased and if there are any intrusions upon it, such as a neighbor building their fence on the property being sold.

    An appraisal is an estimate of the value of the property by a professional who looks at other properties recently sold in the area, replacement costs, and/or the investment price of the asset.  

    In the US, you can put an offer on a home that is contingent on the survey being done and acceptable to you, the purchaser.  Also, it can be subject to an appraisal. If the appraiser doesn't think the property is worth as much as you're paying, you can get out of the contract.

    I hope this helps!

  2. Yes pooh bear has given you good advice.

    Good Luck

  3. If you put in an offer and the survey comes up that the house is worth less you can back out of the offer with out losing any money besides paying for the appraisal.  

  4. here in scotland that is the way its always done.. that way you will know the true value of the property and also if there is any structural damage that is unknown to you or the seller. so go ahead and get one done

  5. Yes - but if you have to put in an offer to show intent make it 'subject to survey'.

  6. Rather than incur the expense of a survey prior to the offer, tender your offer with a contingency of 'subject to acceptable survey result'.  If you and the seller cannot reach agreement on a sale price, you will have expended nothing.

    If you DO get an accepted offer, THEN you can have the survey performed and determine whether or not the result is acceptable to you.

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