
Can i ask u all for some help??

by  |  earlier

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i'm currently a senior in high school, it's been 3 days of school, and so far i'm not satisfied. i hate 2 of my classes due to some obnoxious guys and crowded(full) classes. i feel very uncomfortable in those classes. i don't want to get them switched b/c it is such a problem with the counselors at my school. plus, i know some ppl in there, i just have a problem with very little of those others. what do i do??




  1. Just remember that you don't have much time left. Work hard at what you can change in that short time, and don't worry about the rest. Also, find a few people in those classes that you either like or can stand and try to hang out with them. Mostly just count this as a learning experience that will most likely happen again when you enter the world.

  2. Just concentrate on getting what you can out of those classes and remember that the obnoxious guys in high school are the frat boys that everyone hates in college.

  3. Ignore them

    I was bullied from my First day of First Grade through My receiving of my H.S. Diploma. The girls in First Grade took me aside the First day of School and told me to never Cry. They told me the only reason why the other boys bullied me was to see me cry.

    I ignored them and never cried.

  4. well if yu have a choice, make friends with other students in the class...

    or pay more attention to the work than to the pple....

    r they rly that bad that u were inclined to ask the rest of the world 4 help?

    if there such a bother, u might wanna take up the courage to asking ur counselor to switch yu....

    that shouldnt be as big of a deal as u think it is.


  5. just deal with it you have no choice just do your best to get through the bad times  

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