
Can i be a FBI Agent if i was diagnosed with depression?

by  |  earlier

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its always been my dream to be an fbi agent but i was diagnosed with depression when i was 16. and i did not have depression at all, my dad just thought i did because i stayed inside alot but really i just got this video game and played it 24/7. but i dont take the meds anymore because i dont need them and im doing fine plus the meds makes me not feel like myself. im 18 now. do i still have a chance at becoming one?




  1. To be considered to join the FBI you have to get college in a law enforcement related field first, usually at least a bachelors degree. I think you willl be able to.. You have to tell them you were taking medications for depression, cuz if you dont they will find out and fire you, or put you in jail for lying to the government. They have very strict rules about the standards for getting in. My dream was to join the Marine Core. Since i had depression and saw councelors i wasnt aloud to. but then i went to sign up for law enforcement careers, like the fbi, and on the application it didnt ask anything for it. but get your college out of the way, maybe work for a police station, and when you have some exp, pursue your dream of becomiong and fbi agent. Good luck

    From your past questions you state that you already chose your line of work? how so?

  2. If you never actually had depression, then yes, I don't see why not.

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