
Can i be a citizen of Britain?

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I found out my dad used to have UK citizenship, he emmigrated from a country in Northern Europe but he moved to a common wealth country later on and according to him gave up his citizenship of Britain for the Citizenship of that country in which i now live.(This was before i was born).

Now im wondering if i can have British Citizenship?




  1. You only automatically qualify for what your parents were at the time of your birth. Meaning if your dad held British citizenship at the time of your birth then you can qualify for British citizenship (provided that you're born in wedlock) if he officially renounced it and didn't have it when you were born then you can't.

    You may want to be aware that Belgium does not currently allow dual citizenship with the UK.

    "Belgian nationals who acquire of their own free will the citizenship of a country part of the aforesaid Convention, that is to say Austria, Denmark, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Norway, The Netherlands and Great-Britain, still lose by right their Belgian citizenship." Belgium consulate in Toronto.

    It sounds you have more than enough citizenships as is.

  2. From what I've read, if you are a citizen of a British Commonwealth then you are considered a British National which is pretty much the same thing as a citizen, the only difference being that you can't have a british passport and you would need to apply to live in the UK.

    Look at the link below...

  3. You didnt mention what citizenship you have? You said, northern Europe, so if you have EU citizenship, why would u even require British citizenship? Your father denounced his citizenship, so you cannot claim British citizenship through blood trail. You need to live in UK legally for 5 years to claim the citizenship now.

    :))))))))))))) - u cannot be citizen of France & Belgium simultaneously unless one of ur parents is french & other belgian (You already said you father denounced UK citizenship, so he was British).

    I dont think u are a credible asker. Sorry but u are just trying to have fun & nothing else.

  4. If your from the USA don't move here. And you'll have to get citizenship like any other immigrant

  5. I read most people want to get out.

  6. I thought British weren't citizens but subjects :)

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