
Can i be a good photographer? is it any good?

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  1. I really liked 3 and 4. 1 was okay. I didn't like 2 and 5, artistically speaking. You do pretty good work. Keep practicing and I think you could be a very good photographer.

  2. Yes you can.

    You got some very nice ideas in this few pictures, I think if you take a course in photography, a year or so, you can learn the angles, techniques, exposure, correct settings and using manual mode. I recently finished a course and It really helped me an awful lot, You learn so much, and its the small simple details that make your pictures look that much more professional. Nice photographs by the way. Good luck.

  3. i think they are really good, nice and clear.  

  4. Your photos that you've taken seem to be very mediocre to me. I don't know. Maybe if you took photography class you would get better. If you are serious about this then buy a top notch camera that real photographers use and try getting close up pictures of things that people can't see up close, such as butterflies, grasshoppers, and other interesting things. Also try to take pictures of landscapes.  

  5. You should do more with the photos

    The photos look pretty average to me

    I dont know you should take photography classes who knows how good you would be then

  6. Composition and light create your photo. The first two have no focal point. When you photograph scenics, you need to put a reference point in the foreground.  

    Check out this photo:

    There is nothing remarkable in the hills rising from the mist. What sets this apart is the tree silhouetted in the foreground.

    You need the contrast.  You can learn composition.

    Take a look at this picture:

    Notice the play of light and shadow -- and the hand for size reference. There are only two "objects" in the photo - the bird's head and the fisted hand. But they create a freeform undulating line of horizon across the photo.

    I see that you have a heart for photography. The rest can be learned.

    Keep snapping.

  7. About all your (4) photos:

    1.lack of composition.

    2.where is the contrast ?



    First... go to local public library and take a photography book.

    On internet search for photography composition, golden rules, rules of third.

    Second: You have to learn how to manipulate a (digital) photo. Not all your photos will be good straight from your camera. So you have to crop, increase the contrast, tune the light. Look around for hints about using gimp (a free software to edit photos from or Adobe Photoshop (not free but power-full).

    Third: ask everyone about your photos !

    Good luck !! and practice !!

  8. yes i like the flip flop one and the one with the cat. the second one is a bit misty so maybe a better camera?? I myself much prefer to photograph the sunset rather than fog :) hope this helps

  9. they look a bit dark to me but maybe it's because they are on the computer.

  10. honestly, i wouldnt have chose to take pix of what you did...but what you did yes...i liked the last one.

  11. i can tell you still need to practice alot. are you a good photographer i would say not right now. but if you take alot of pics i think you can be a better photographer. keep on trying, dont give up.

  12. I think your pic's look great!  

  13. yes, i like them but maybe add a little bit of smmink speshal more originality maybe x#

    Good Luck!


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