
Can i be a vegan and still eat chorizzo?

by  |  earlier

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i mean i love this stuff, all the other meat i could careless, but the cow lips and intestines and lymphe nodes all chopped up and cooked with eggs and cheese is the best in the world




  1. you can be a vegan and eat raw pork for all the world cares.  sounds like it's you who is worried about conforming to some title - like in grade school, being in some club.

    just do what you want and stop worring about some title.

  2. There are vegan chorizos out there, but if you want to give up everything but regular you can't even call yourself a vegitarian, let alone a vegan.

  3. You can eat what you like, nobody here gives a flying one.

    Did you really think we would all have an attack of the vapours because you described the ingredients of a processed meat? How old are you, 12?

  4. Give me a break.

    I know this question can't possibly be serious, but no, dead cows mixed up the eggs and dairy is not a vegan meal.

  5. Wow someone got made fun of a lot in school.  

    Bully: get a life.

  6. grow up.

  7. Not "true" chorizzo - but you have 2 options:

    1) Be a "Boulder" vegan - which means you are a vegan except for with your one passion (chorizzo).

    2) Try making your own chorizzo with Morning star farms sausage crumbles OR, buy vegan Soyrizo (see link below) from Whole Foods or Wild Oats.

  8. It's called Soyrizo, they sell it at Safeway.

  9.'re old enough to be retired and yet that is the kind of question that middle schoolers ask here when they're bored on spring break.  you should be so proud of yourself......

    soyrizo would solve that problem.  let's see what question you can cook up next.....

  10. No you can't because it's made of meat.

  11. Being Vegan is a way of life, a state of mind, a choice you make for yourself..and what you mentioned would never be what a TRUE Vegan would ever come within a 100 miles of.

  12. soyrizo is a great substitute (if this is even a serious question)

  13. Hey!

    Being vegan meansn not having meat and dairy, so by defention no you wouldn't be vegan.  If I was you I'd try to make a vegan version.  

    Hope this helps!


  14. you're sick...

  15. Is this actully a serious question?

  16. get vegan chorizzo?

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