
Can i be arrested for indesent exposure if i go skinny dipping in my backyard if someone sees me?

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Can i be arrested for indesent exposure if i go skinny dipping in my backyard if someone sees me?




  1. The correct answer is yes.  But that goes for a whole bunch of other stuff you could be doing on your property.  The question you should be asking is "Can I be prosecuted for indecent exposure if I go skinny dipping in my back yard?"  And the answer to that question is it depends on where your back yard is because indecent exposure laws are at the local level (state and county/city).  So, unfortunately, you have to check your states laws and your county/city laws which can be done via the internet.

  2. who knows!!! best way to find out is to try!!!

  3. Nope, it's your property. If your neighbors have a problem, oh well. The only way you could be arrested is if you're making a lot of noise and being a nouisence.

  4. No,as it is your property and you reserve the rights of your privacy,however,if,for some reasons the police happen to knock the door you might get told to keep it low key

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