
Can i be charged for something if i never had a court date set up?

by  |  earlier

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I was on campus durring a senior prank a few months back and now they are charging everyone but none of us had to go to court for anything.... is this right? i wish i were a lawyer. or could afford one. lol




  1. You go to court AFTER you are charged.

    Have fun.

    That is a plea bargain offer.  Once again, this is all BEFORE you go to court.  You are guaranteed your day in court.  They are warning you that you CAN take it to court, but you will be taking the chance of being found guilty if you do.  This all happens BEFORE you go to court.

  2. Depending on the crime and who was involved.  Sometime if you are aware of whats going on and do not come forward they can link you as an accomplice.  Usually if you were not the major participant in the prank they will most likely go after them more harshly but if you were involved in some way shape or form they will link you in as an accomplice, assisting with the crime.  

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