
Can i be cure Usher Syndrome?

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Im Deaf since i was born, my growing life are normal good sight(visual) then so i becamed Usher Syndrome on last year in end of Aug i was 19 half, It was thicken blood ripped in the pupil in my left eye and become black nightblindness but right eye are perfect sights, so i went the hospital and got surgery and laser of both my eyes and it almost blindness gone it was like blurry in left eye but it was back black again in Last oct, and I waiting in 7 months from appoinment are so slow...i feels so frustrated/complained cause i cant see in my left eye are tunnel but little blurry and my right eye only can sight everythings...hmm so does it sounds similar to you ? or something like that so should i going to straight to hospital make my eye are improves and getting better sights but downstair cities hospital are so busy and no available yet

SO any idea you answer

I know i ve been researched Usher's but i need you question/answer my points similar to somethings





  1. No, there is no cure for usher's syndrome. However, with training in things like reading braille, using high-level magnification, and orientation and mobility (traveling safely and intelligently using a white cane) you'll be able  to continue to live a normal life. I know, it's scary, but I promise that this is something you can live with, no matter how much worse it gets.

    Feel free to throw me an email, which you can do by emailing me at (myusername) or selecting the option to email me through my profile.

  2. I am a little unfamiliar with Usher's syndrome, but I think it is a form of Retinitis pigmetosa. These are normally inherited through parents.

    Unfortunately a current med text that I have states that there is no current cure, but vitamin A and E might slow degeneration (lack a source). There is also research being done on a fetal retinal tissue transplant, but I lack information on that. The laser situation sounded like a temporary solution.

    I am by no means a license doctor, and this just comes from what I find in my basement full of medical text. I hope that you find a solution for your eye trouble.

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