
Can i be feeling morning sickness and get a negative pregnancy test?

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I have had protected s*x, but i have felt sick on and off for a couple weeks I dont keep track of my period. I know not a very good idea but normally the symptons of my pms are so easy to recognize a week before my period is supposed to fall.My b***s are not tender, im breaking out really bad which i never have bad acne, my skin has been really oily on my face, and my weight has been going up and down about five pounds. O yea and like the other morning i was making coffee and i got sick to my stomach just from smelling the coffee. I have never gotten sick from the smell of coffee. Im trying not to worry myself because i know that can prolong your period.So what do i need to do today is aug. 25 and im not supposed to recieve my period until sept. 11. What can i tell my boyfriend because he is worried more than i am like he is wanting me to take preg. test but im trying to tell him its to early.




  1. What you are experiencing could very well be ovulation or PMS.

    By definition, premenstrual symptoms only occur during the luteal phase, between ovulation and the start of menstrual bleeding, or soon after. Premenstrual symptoms can occur during the entire luteal phase or can appear briefly during ovulation, in the days leading up to menstrual bleeding, or both. You may notice that the severity and pattern of your PMS symptoms varies from month to month. You may also stop or start having PMS symptoms for no clear reason.

    PMS can caus soooooo many symptoms:


    breast swelling and tenderness

    feeling tired

    having trouble sleeping

    upset stomach, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea

    headache or backache

    appetite changes or food cravings

    joint or muscle pain

    trouble concentrating or remembering

    tension, irritability, mood swings, or crying spells

    anxiety or depression  

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