
Can i be fired for being signed off with depression?

by  |  earlier

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I have just recieved a letter from my work saying i need to go in for a meeting in 2 weeks tinme to discuss my absecnce (been signed off for 3 months), spoke to my manager to ask what the meeting is about and he siad its because they want me back in work by 1st sept or else my contract will be terminated. Can they do this???




  1. what state do you live in and what kind work do you do

  2. i think it might depend on how long you have been there.  my daughter has had an illness which causes her muscles to seize up, and her boss wanted her either to leave or assure him it wouldnt happen again. unfortunately, she cant give a guarantee like that.  it was for insurance purposes on his part.  id look into it, seek advice from citizens advice bureau if you are in UK.

  3. go to citizens advice to check  everything out so your armed with all the info before you go.

    good luck!

  4. no they really really cannot

  5. go to this site it explains working rules contracts plus loads of other stuff  for the uk i would advise anyone with employment motoring or any sort of probs to visit here the rules are complicated and there is no hard and fast answer  it depends on the wording in your contract

  6. You need to read your contract of employment. If you have doubts speak to the citizens advice bureau.  

  7. no you cant get fired,take a union rep with you to the meeting claim that disability is causing the time off,some company's  will try to help with depression getting your self back to work is hard and even harder if you've no job,be has positive has you can ,trust in your selff to get you though

  8. no

  9. I would advise ringing the ACAS helpline as opposed to ringing the Citizens Advice Bureau simply because ACAS specialize in employment issues and disputes between employees and employers.  There helpline is open between 8am and 6pm and the number is 08457 47 47 47, and their website is  If you have a copy of your contract it may prove helpful to have this to hand when you ring them.  

    I've rung ACAS myself not so long ago about an issue with my contract of employment, and they were really helpful and gave excellent advice.

    This is an extract from their website regarding absence due to sickness/ill health:-

    My illness is causing me to take a lot of time off work - what will happen?

    Employers will usually cover long-term sickness in their policy on absence or in their company handbook. Most employers will be concerned if a worker has a 'long-term' sickness that is causing frequent or prolonged absence. A good absence policy will normally include having a discussion with you about your illness and getting an opinion from your GP or a company doctor with your consent. Your employer may wish to consult you at some stage about the possibility of alternative work or working arrangements, including whether your job can be covered by other workers or a temporary replacement. They will also have to consider how long your job can be kept open for you.

    If you are a member of a Union, take a Union Rep along with you to the meeting.  The Union should also be able to advise you of the position in respect of your job having been off sick.

    If you are not a member of a Union I am sure you should be able to take someone else with you, and I would recommend doing so.  Check with your HR Department or failing that ask ACAS if you decide to ring them.

    If may be wise to take some notes during the interview, or perhaps the person you take with you can do this.

    I really do think that ringing ACAS to find out what the position is, and what options may be available before you attend will prove very useful, and you will then go into the interview knowledgeable and prepared.

  10. i don't think you can i was singed off for a long time with depression.the boss fired me i told him i was going to sue got my job back.never had any problems about time off since then.

  11. I work in health care and NO they cannot. You need to first and foremost get documentation from your Doctor. With this you need to keep all records of your treatment while you have been away.

  12. That depends on how long you've been there and the terms laid down in your contract. Usually they can get rid of you IF you're not going to be able to work for the foreseeable future

  13. It all depends on what you contract says. But, NO, you can not be fired just for having a medical condition.

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