
Can i be girly and a skateboarder at the same time??

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Can i be girly and a skateboarder at the same time??




  1. to be honest, no.

  2. I guess its possible, but in all seriousness not many guys at a local park/spot will take you seriously until you are as good if not better then them.

    Pretty hot though.

  3. Skateboarding requires grace, agility and nerve. All three are attributes a lady, would find most useful. Not to mention the toned bod. Confidence and style girl, rule both worlds.

  4. yes, dude if that's who you are then rock it!!

    I'm a girl and i have been skating for a long time now and I'm pretty good (i got 3 local sponsors), and i have the "skater style." but i still wear make up and do my hair everyday and wear skirt evey once in a while...yet i still sometimes get remarks from other girls saying i need to be more girly..but personally, i like who i am, because well..that's just who i am, and i don't really care what other people think. so if you like to be girly, and can still bust a awesome trick, then i say do it girl! don't worry what other people think...confidence is key!

    (and i've come to find, that a lot of guys love girls who can skate and also pull off wearing a dress) *wink*wink* XD

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