
Can i be held responsible for another non relatives electric bill in north carolina?

by  |  earlier

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my wife and i had a roomate who put the electric in his name, when he left he left the electric in his name he finally had it shut off , we did keep up with the bill after his departure but when we went to have it put in our name they said we had to pay his bill since we lived there, he is the only name on that account and they said we had to sign an agreement to pay it or we would not get any service, my wife signed it under duress and was basically strong armed into signing it, it was either that or go with out is that legal here in north carolina?




  1. it is not duress unless they had a gun to her head... she didn't have to sign, and you can temporarily live without electric. the company cannot make you pay the bill just because you live there... well that was until your wife signed and said she would.  now you are out of luck. pay the bill, sue the roommate if any of that bill was actually his. if he was gone during the period the electic company wants paid for, it is your bill anyways, so stop being a bum and just pay your bill.

  2. Pretty much.  Sue your former roommate in small claims for his share of the bill.

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