
Can i be on so you think you can dance in the future?

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i'm 13 and have 2 years jazz and 1 year hip hop experience. im not on competition teams, and i can only take one dance class so i take jazz (don't ask me..... it's my parents decision. i would take like 13 classes a week if i could!) but i truely love dancing with all my heart and i want to dance through college, etc. and maybe even be on SYTYCD one day. but i simply don't know if i'll be good enough! most dancers on there (except maybe for twitch) have had extensive training since they were young. please help... and be TOTALLY honest.

thanks sooo much! =)




  1. I think that if you have enough skill and talent you might have a chance to be on the show. But if you only have one class a week then your chances are slimmer. But the best thing to do is to just try out for the show and see what happens. Best of luck!

  2. if you try out.

    if they still have the show.

    If you practice enough.

    then of course.

    Try hard, dance hard, love every second and maybe you will be.

    I know Katee and she is an amazing dancer and person.

    I bet you are just as good or could be.

    Just try try try try try

    never give up though, you'll be turned down by so many.

  3. if your good @ different dance styles and have the passion, yea!keep dancin! =)

  4. Actually, last season the winner of SYTYCD was Sabra and she had only been dancing for four years! Four! And she was an amazing dancer! As long as you train a lot and put all your heart into it then you can do it. You have to be at least 18 to get into SYTYCD so you still have 6 years to go. That's more than enough time. The only problem is that the show may not be around anymore by then. :( But even if it isn't there are probably going to be numerous other dance shows and competitions to try out for!

    Just some suggestions for you in order to get better:

    -Stretch for 30 minutes EVERY day. Warm up (you can do the warm ups you learned in your dance class) and do some stretching exercises. Do your splits (hold each side for 1 minute). Work on your straddle (it's easy if you sit and face a wall and try to push yourself as close as possible and hold it there for a while). Do your leg extensions a couple of times as well.

    -Work on your pirouettes. The good thing about pirouettes is that you don't need a lot of space in order to do them. Practice them in front of a mirror. Work on your spotting, holding your center, and keeping your arms in the right position. Practice each side for a couple of minutes each day and try to work your way up from doing just a single pirouette to more.

    -Try to convince your parents to let you take more dance classes. Explain to them that it's something you're really passionate about and you think it's something you may want to do for your future. If they let you take another class as well then you should do ballet, because it strengthens your muscles and works wonders on your technique. And if they don't let you take another class, then I suggest stop taking jazz for a bit and take ballet instead so you can work on technique.

    I hope I could help! :) Don't let anyone discourage you from following your dreams. Remember, there's always a way!

  5. Im not saying that this is the case with you but there is a girl on my dance team that says how much she loves it and she thinks shes really good and thats all she wants to do but shes really really bad... I would talk to your parents and try to get into more classes... who knows? maybe you will be on sytycd one day! Good Luck!

  6. well, i cant say for sure of course, because i havent seen you dance, but remember, the winner last year on SYTYCD- Sabra- had only four years dance training. Keep Dancin'!

  7. hi i am also 13 well since i do only hip hop and breakdance i might not know more about jazz . since u take 1 class a week

    and thats jazz keep on going for that class but if u want to learn more types of dancing u can go watch shows about dancing ot watch videos of diffrent  types of dance and most important watch so u think u can dance.

    in that they have diffrent types of dancing due to diffrent music understand their movement and most important practice alot and u can go on the show so u think u can dance

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