
Can i be preggo if i took a test and the second line wuz real faint but then i got my period ?

by  |  earlier

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so i had pregnancy symptoms and took a test. it looked neg. but there wuz a real faint line. my friends said its prob. a evap. line but im not convinced bc its a lil pink. but then i got my period two weeks late. and it was short n mostly brown. a little cramping but not as much as usual. whats ur opinion?




  1. take another test. if the line was there within the time frame then you could be pregnant.  I had a very faint line also.  If you are pregnant the line will be stronger now as the pregnancy hormone grows stronger in your body.

  2. You sound like you are having Implantation Bleeding . I did not have it with my 1st pregnancy but did with this one.

    When I tested with my 1st pregnancy I was not even late with my period I just had that gut feeling . I took a test 4 days early and it was a very faint line - I got a blood test the next day and was pregnant :)  

  3. A faint positive is still a positive.. congratulations!

  4. it could be that your spotting go get a blood test that will be able to tell you how much HCG you have in your body and is more accurate than a pregnancy test and good luck  

  5. Take another test. It would not be implantation bleeding because that should happen 7-10 days before your period is due, not after your late. Its not uncommon for women to spot in the beginning of their pregnancy though. By now, if you are indeed pregnant, you will have more HCG in your urine and the home pregnancy test lines will be darker than the first test.  

  6. Could have been an evaporation line, or could have been that you had a chemical pregnancy, where it tests positive but you then get your period.  I would take another test, since your period sounds like it was mostly spotting, just to make sure you aren't still pregnant.  Good luck!

  7. I was.... I got my first period and missed my second took a test also got a faint pink line..... Went to the Dr I was 8 weeks and 3 days pregnant...

  8. Any line, even a faint one, is a positive!!! Congrats!!! 30% of women get their period while pregnant.  If you take another test it will probably be darker, but you should schedule a doctor appointment to get a blood test done just to be sure!

    Good Luck!!!

  9. you should buy the tests that state very simply pregnant or not pregnant so you don't have doubts. but if you've had you're period you're obviously not pregnant.

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