
Can i be pregnant before my period

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i had s*x (with my husband) like about 3-5 days before my period was due. could i get pregnant?

(the reason why i ask is because i was supposed to get my period like on 8-4-08 to 8-7-08 and i still have not gotten it. my last period was July 4)

i want to be pregnant, and i want to find out how soon i can test. i have taken a urine and blood test with both resulting in being negative. i tested about 3 days ago on thursday. did i test too early? help someone!

i am getting MILD cramps randomly, i am constantly feeling tired. i tend to get nauseas at times. and get hungry often, but then i feel like vomiting. i am also having clear discharge. if you can help me out with more detail please e-mail me at PREGOBY08@YAHOO.COM




  1. you can get pregnant before your period, but there is only a short 36 hour window in which you can. If you have gotten a blood test from your doctor and its negative, wait another 4 weeks. hey its happen to me that they have been wrong. don't keep spending money on the home tests though. i know your anxious but just relax. really relax, its good for you!

    the cramps could mean that you've done something like a change in your routine and your period is delayed. And the discharge,before period or pregnancy is normal. I hope its a yes! remember don't stress:)

  2. well if your regular then it sounds like you missed your ovulation window by a few days.  

    a blood test usually will show up right away and its negative.  You wouldn' t have pregnancy signs like your saying so soon, the nausea, vomiting, they usually come after a few weeks.  

    I would say your not and your period is comming , but I would wait a few more days and take another test, if its negative, then try again next month  from 10-14 days After your period starts.  

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