
Can i be prego?

by  |  earlier

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I started spotting on the 23rd of june and then I miscarried right after that (like the 24 or 25) I still havent had my period, And the doctors had taken a blood test on the 25th of june and my HCG level was really low, (when they should have been way high, sugesting that i was miscarrying) All my symptoms were gone by that night. Now i still havent started my period. I am having pregnancy signs, (tired, nauseous, cranky, tender b*****s, way emotional and weepy! like way weepy, i cry over everything, thats how i knew i was prego the last 2 times.) and I have still not started my period. A week ago, they took my HCG levels and they have gone UP since they took it last but only by a little bit. Im thinking that my levels when down to zero and then they are on its way back up again, and thats why my symptoms went away and are now back. They took my blood again today and ill find out tomorrow if its higher or lower, but its killing me Is it possible to be prego so soon after a miscarriage?




  1. I'm so sorry about your loss.

    It's possible. I wish you all the best, hun.

    Hopefully you're right and your levels are on their way back up.

  2. I have been told that woman are extremely fertile right after having a miscarriage and giving birth.  So i think it is very possible!  Good luck i hope that is what it is for you!

  3. it is possible yes. just wait it out and give the dr.s office a call in the morning.
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