
Can i be sent to nut house for being suicidal UK?

by  |  earlier

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i haven't acted on it but i want to know, i've had one failed attempt that doctors etc know about and i was almost sent then if it wasn't for my mother. now I'm a mother and i worried to go to the doctor in case I'm locked up and lose my daughter. i need help but counseling doesn't work and i wont get any anti depressants strong enough unless i tell them exactly how bad i am.




  1. have you not heard of care in the community.all the physiciatric hospitals have been closed except for the really serious case`s just go and talk with your g.p. and get some help

  2. No.

    First you should understand 90% of people feel suicidal during their lifetime.

    The majority of suicide attempts are attention seeking or a cry for help.

    You are very lucky to have a daughter and mother .Look deep into yourself and decide who to put first your daughter or yourself .Count your blessings!!!!!!!

  3. if your considered by your doctor and they believe you can be a threat to yourself or others then yes you can be sectioned un the Mental health act!

  4. Come add me to your yahoo and chat in private  

  5. How you can even have the gaul to post this when you have a daughter is BEYOND me....

    You say you don't want you child taken? If you really wanted to die, you wouldn't give a c**p about that... If you really wanted to die, you would have done it already. My thoughts on this are that you don't need anti depressants, because you already KNOW something is wrong here. You need to go get some counseling STAT! Figure out whatever the heck is going on...inside your mind that you would even consider dying and letting your child be raised by other people and leaving her a life of wondering who the heck her mother was.

    What you need to do is act on the fact that you have a child who could end up living in possible foster care or worse off then she is now living with a mother who says she cares but in actuality doesn't...  

  6. If you are currently suicidal you could be sent to the nut house.  One of the criterion for being sent there is a danger to self or others.  hope you get better  

  7. You MUST go back to your doctor for the sake of your daughter.

    As you have already one unsuccessful suicide attempt then the doctor will take this very seriously and yes, you will probably be admitted  (it's no longer called sectioned) for a psychological assessment. There is nothing to worry about though; it's only for a couple of days and there is no way that you will lose your daughter.

    Suicide can be a symptom of certain personality disorders or untreated clinical depression and side effects from certain drugs, however, all can be successfully treated with the correct medication.

    You are right in thinking counselling will not work without proper medication, you need to combine the two for the sake of your daughter. Btw, you don't need to pay to see a counsellor, you are entitled to see an NHS counsellor free of charge.

    All the best.

  8. You have to get help for your daughter's sake.  

  9. You need to tell them how bad you are, so that you can get the help you need.  The last thing you would want to do is lose your daughter, for her sake you need to get this taken care of.

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