
Can i be suspended without being told of the allegations against me?

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suspended amid allegations from a resident.I was not told what the allegations are although i did ask. I was also told i could not take a solicitor into a meeting to support me when told of suspension. I was told i had to take in a work colleague or a union rep, which i didnt have. I work in supported accommodation for homeless people with issues of drug/alcohol abuse. I am on full pay and would like to take along a solicitor with me when i am called to give my side. How can i be represented though when i do not know what the allegations are? I have never in my life even had a verbal warning and have being doing this job for 3 years to the best of my ability. I am extremely stressed and my blood pressure is sky high, any info would be appreciated




  1. Most communities have some sort of Legal Aid or Assistance available to assist with situations you personally are unable to understand.  You might contact your County Government Courthouse for where to go or call.  Good Luck and God Bless......

  2. You must be in the UK.  I am in the US and had the same thing happen to me.  A resident mistook me for another worker who looks a lot like me.  This other worker, Michelle, was pretty worthless. She had said or done something with this resident, and the resident reported who she thought was Michelle, but got me mixed up with hers and called her Loraine.  So I had no idea what was happening, other than I was being punished.  The boss, who I believe started his cocaine habit again(he later resigned), would not tell me for a week what in the world was going on.  He finally called me into his office when I told him I was quitting because of all of this, and I found out what went on.  I also gave him quite the earful of my coworkers, and how they'd go through his files at night, and a whole bunch of other things.  He didn't punish them.  Anyway, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because I got a better paying job.

    My advice for you would be to look for another job in your field.

    Edit: I also have another story.  After I got the better paying job, I needed a day job, and found one in Home Health.  After a year or so of doing that, a client lied and said I stole some money from her.  This was a 40 hour a week client.  The accusation was made on Dec 23, 2003.  And the gal that accused me gave me a Christmas card that same day.  Nice, huh?  The office pulled me off of her case, but one big problem.  They had very few clients in my area, and other people were working with the few others they had.  So I was basically suspended.  I was under investigation for about 4 mos by the State Board of Nursing.  Not good.  Well, I FINALLY found another job with a Hospice in that area, and shortly after I started working there, I got a phone call stating that they were closing my case.  As it turned out, another worker was at the home, and the client wanted the worker to stay there while she went to the courthouse to press charges on her cousin for stealing.  That cousin was at the house on the day I was accused.  I wasn't proven innocent, but it was the next best thing.  They ended up discharging her for all her c**p that she pulled.

  3. Sharon....breathe.    Start doing yoga.....breathe.

    You can't fight effectively if you're ill, so take a step back and let your attorney do his job.  Get a good lawyer and start the process.  He can get in touch with them and demand you get legal representation in the room.    

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