
Can i beat a Hyundai excel 94 car in a 100m running race there and back without the car turning around ?

by Guest11073  |  earlier

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its a 100m racer there and back . and i can run a 100m in 11.2 seconds. i know a car can accelarate very fast but i have to factor in stoping distance . and the fact that cars cant go as fast in reverse . check out christano ronaldo vs bugati and you will understand what i mean




  1. Yeah, you run in a circle ! Or the car breaks down first.

  2. Let's give you the benefit of the doubt and say you can run the 100m, turn around and run the 100m back all in 30 seconds. That's a fairly decent time, but it gives you an average speed of only 15 mph.

    What about the car then? Well, cars can't accelerate as well as humans, but humans don't have a very high top speed. The car will be able to accelerate for the entire length, then brake very harshly at the end, slam into reverse and repeat.

    A car, even a bad one, will easily pass a human runner within a few metres of the start line. A car can get to 30mph without much trouble at all, and perhaps even get to 40mph by the end of the track. When the driver looks over his shoulder to reverse, the runner will still be some way off getting to the turnaround point.

    If you want to beat a car in a race, make it a very short race. Either that or a tight slalom.

  3. how would the car get back if it can't turn around?  are you saying it would go forward 50m & then drive backward 50m?  will you be running backward as well?  we don't know if you're an athlete or a giant pile of S**t.  also, we don't know what size engine is in the Hyundai and if it's been modified.   this is kind of a stupid question.  

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