
Can i become a nurse with a biology degree?

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I am undecided on whether or not I want to become a doctor or a nurse. I was wondering if I went to college for biology, could i still become either one (i know that if i decide on doctor I have to go to medical school) but im wondering if I would be able to become a nurse with a bio degree. If so, what tests and or learning would I have to also do.




  1. Yes, but for both nursing school and medical school there are prerequisite courses you need to take, and they tend to be a little different depending on the program. But essentially speaking, you can major in pottery making and still go to nursing school or med school. As long as you take the right pre-reqs, get good grades, and for med school admissions - doing well on the MCATS (test for med school admissions). Talk to a college academic adviser first though, to see what your options are.  

    Just an aside, my friend was an art history major but thought med school could be an option too. She took the pre requisite courses at a community college and did good on her MCATS and now she's going UCLA's med school. So, it really doesn't matter what you major in as long as you have a high GPA and really good MCAT scores, you could get into med school.  

  2. in my source site they provided more information viist it

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