
Can i become a pro golfer? eventually?

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I am 17 years old and i have been playing for 8 months. I live in colorado so i cant play everyday but on the days i cant, i hit golf balls for 3-4 hours in my garage. two days ago i shot a 76 from the tips at the local golf course. i am using nike forged blades and have a swing speed of 109mph. i also am totally self taught between reading books and studying pros like bubba watson because we have a similar build. i am lacking putting but am working on it. what are my chances if i keep working hard and start taking lessons?




  1. no shot

  2. Based on what you're telling me, yes, there is a chance.  You're behind where many tour pros were at your age but you can make up the ground if you have the talent, and more importantly, you put the hard work in.  There are guys on tour who couldnt make their college team.

  3. You have a very good chance if you continue to work on your game for 4 hours a day.

  4. WOW first of all tell me what youre doing? Ive been playing 11 months and only breaking 100. Sucks... but I only get to play twice or 3 times a week max. Not much range time either. Just got a net at the back and practicing pitching and full swings. 76? wow! on a par 72 course? The fairways must be pretty wiiide then lol. No just kidding.. what are you doing? 76 in 8 months... wow you gotta tell me your routine.

  5. Yes you can, if you're realistic in your expectations.  There are a lot of mini tours around the country where you can gain invaluable playing experience.  Try to find one of those first and see how you do.  It's gonna cost you some money though, pro tours aren't cheap.  

    Keep in mind though that once you turn professional, you can't play in college or in any other amateur event per the USGA rules.

    I would think twice about a swing coach; if you've only been playing for 8 months and you're blowin off a 76, an instructor might only s***w you up.

    Putting is a totally different beast.  A lot of tour players are starting to look at specialized coaches for different parts of their game.  Find someone who specializes in the short game or who is comfortable not messing with your swing and see if they can help with just your putting.  That's where most of your strokes come from though, so you're gonna have to do something about that before you go any further either professionally or collegiately.

    Good luck either way.  Hit em straight!

    Edit:  the real hassolof, if you don't like golf, stay out of the golf section.  There's a basketball category here too.  The kid was asking about his golf game, not his jump shot.

  6. This all depends on a multitude of factors.  Having been a PGA Tour player manager for Bruce Crampton and others'  Simply being able to play well is just the tip of the iceberg.  As with anything, your passion and focus will be your guide and ticket to allowing others to come to your assistance.  There is a new book by Dominic Wall titled "Golf Excellence".  It is an Australian book available I believe on Amazon.  It is an excellent resource on what it takes to become a pro from swing to psych to travel, agents and the tours around the world.  I am in the process of bringing that book to the US.  My own book, "The Secret to a Great Golf Swing" and the DVD "On Target Power" will show you Ben Hogan's actual swing secret and how to incorporate it into your own swing.  I learned it many years ago from Mr. Hogan's only pupil, the late John Schlee.

    Best of luck to you.  Never give up and be your own best cheerleader.

  7. There also are many other ways to become a "pro" golfer. In addition to the Tour pros, there are PGA professionals who manage golf courses and pro shops, teach, and coach high school and college teams.

    So even if you don't have the talent to play on Tour, there still are ways to make a living out of your love of golf.

  8. golf is boring man. get into football or baskettball. I'm a former NBA player and i think that you should go for the NBA or NFL.

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