
Can i become a software eng. if i take in commerce?

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Can i become a software eng. if i take in commerce?




  1. No...u need to take physics , chemistry and maths. the computer science course offered with commerce is web tech. (HTML) and not C++, which is required for software engg.

  2. Dear Friend,

    to become a software engineer , you must have mathematics as your subject in graduation level...that means in high school level you have to take composite maths .Physics knowledge also helps.but you must develop analytical skills primarily.

    Maths is an easy subject if you understand the fundamentals first.A little practise will make you a good student of maths and then you can do either MCA or any other computer related course.But a masters degree is always a plus point.added to this you have to learn some special skills like testing tools  and Java like languages.

    You need not do all your interesting subject that has market at that time and do.You will definitely be a good software engineer.


  3. U can Study Mca and become a software engineer!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Best of luck!

  4. I don't know if you are aware that your question is in the preschool section.  I think you would get lots more answers if you retype it and put it in a different category, like a higher education one.

    Just thought this would help you get the best answer.

    Good luck no matter what you decide to do.  Maybe someone in this section will be brighter than me and be able to answer your question.

  5. It can be refused softly that you can't be a software engineer even taking comp. sc. only due to having commerce discipline.

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